PORTLAND’S WORLD INFAMOUS VEGAN STRIP CLUB EVANYMANDIMELROSEROSEFELICIALUXCELESTEECLIPSENADIAAURORAFELICIA & KATNISSTYLERSALMARUBYLUNAJUPITERZAELIIKATNISSMAX9RYANNTERRAOLLIEMERCYHOLLYWOODMAGICBELLADONNAVIPERSUKI HAPPY HOUR $2 OFF ANY DRINK WEDNESDAY-SUNDAY: 2:30-8PM (IN PHOTO: MELROSE) THIS WEEK’S DANCER SCHEDULE: OPENING HOURS: MONDAY&TUESDAY: 8PM-2:30AM WEDNESDAY-SUNDAY: 2:30PM- 2:30AM +1 (503) 222-6600 2839 NW ST HELENS RD, PORTLAND, OR 97210 FIND US ON INSTAGRAM: @casadiabloclubpdx “VIXENS, NOT VEAL SIZZLE, NOT STEAK WE PUT THE MEAT ON THE POLE NOT ON THE PLATE!” DANCER AUDITIONS SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL How would an extra $16,000 a day fit into your budget? Audition at one of Portland’s Best Exotic Clubs! AUDITIONS STAFF APPLICATION WORK WITH OUR TEAM! Always hiring Cooks, Bar Backs & Security! Bartender positions must first be dancers. Click to apply! STAFF APPLICATION AUDITIONS SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL How would an extra $16,000 a day fit into your budget? Click here to audition at one of Portland’s Best Exotic Clubs! AUDITIONS STAFF APPLICATION WORK WITH OUR TEAM! We are always hiring Cooks, Bar Backs & Security! For Bartender positions, you must currently be a dancer! Click on the orange button to apply! STAFF APPLICATION